Tuesday, 3 June 2014


You must be wondering what this post is about, right? It's about my music class. Mrs Cameron teaches my class music. I enjoy music a lot. Anyway, the things that I learned in my music class are:

1: I learned how many beats a dotted semi breve has. To find out, a semi breve is 4 beats so half it. Half of 4(2) is the dot. So 4 + 2 = 6. Same with dotted crochet or dotted minim. So I learned a little bit about maths too :)!

2: I learned how to spell minim and crotchet.

3: I learned how to play on the gramophone.

So there was three things I learned in a day. Everyday I learn something new. I play keyboard so I am in the higher group but we get more work which is quite sad :( . I also know a lot of "Musical stuff".

I will be able to remember this stuff because I play keyboard so that will help me remember what I learned. Learning about musical notes is called theory.

Please do comment.
Question for the week: What is the one of the most important thing you have learnt?

Thanks for reading :)!

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