Thursday, 26 June 2014

Art Piece

This is my Art piece >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

What media did I use to make this?

I used permanent marker,dye and pencil.

What is this about?

The creature that is about the tomb is actually Anubis. Anubis is the god of the dead. So that's pretty much why he is on the tomb.

What do I like about?

I like the colour and the hieroglyphics to make the middle painting stand out.

What do I don't like about?

One thing I don't like about this painting is that I put too much dye on the hieroglyphics.

Thanks for reading.
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Question of the week: What painting did you enjoy doing during our Ancient Egypt.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


This week, we are going to talk about(wait for it) EGYPT!!!

What have you learnt about it?
 I have learnt a lot of stuff about Ancient Egypt. One of them is about Anubis. Are you thinking what I'm thinking......
  • Anubis is the god of the dead
  • His father was originally Ra. As the stories change, Osiris was his father.
  • He decided whether an Egyptian's soul would go to the underworld or get eaten by Ammit. 
  • Priests used to wear masks of Anubis's face.
 What activity did you learn the most of?
I learnt a lot by Anthony's group activity. We had to play dogdeball. I was an Archer. It was really fun and I enjoyed it.

What activity did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed the dodgeball game by Anthony's group. Well, partly because I like dogdeball. I liked the way they changed to be a bit like a war.

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Question of the week: What is your power-point about?

Monday, 9 June 2014


Hello, everybody, welcome to the JMK blog. This week we will talk about GYMNASTICS in Nairnville. To be honest, I haven't enjoyed it but I have some lessons that I liked. One of the equipment was the trampoline. That I liked.

For people who don't what Nairnville is, Nairnville is a fitness center where you have to exercise. My class goes there every Thursday. The routine of gymnastics is that we start of with a warm up game. My favorite is Mayhem. After that, we do streches. Next we go into groups and we have different obstacles. There is a timer. once the timer finishes, we switch and it's back to square one.

This is our last week of Gymnastics in Nairnville. I hope we are going to start Basketball. Last week, I improved on the rings. It was a miracle. :).

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Question for the week: What do you think my class is going to do next week in Nairnville.


Tuesday, 3 June 2014


You must be wondering what this post is about, right? It's about my music class. Mrs Cameron teaches my class music. I enjoy music a lot. Anyway, the things that I learned in my music class are:

1: I learned how many beats a dotted semi breve has. To find out, a semi breve is 4 beats so half it. Half of 4(2) is the dot. So 4 + 2 = 6. Same with dotted crochet or dotted minim. So I learned a little bit about maths too :)!

2: I learned how to spell minim and crotchet.

3: I learned how to play on the gramophone.

So there was three things I learned in a day. Everyday I learn something new. I play keyboard so I am in the higher group but we get more work which is quite sad :( . I also know a lot of "Musical stuff".

I will be able to remember this stuff because I play keyboard so that will help me remember what I learned. Learning about musical notes is called theory.

Please do comment.
Question for the week: What is the one of the most important thing you have learnt?

Thanks for reading :)!